So we have started to feel the things that most people told us about, or better warned us abut before signing up for this crazy adventure. LACK OF TIME. We are so lucky we have each other to hold accountable and to help each other, but realistically it hasn't been easy at all. For some odd reason work has been keeping us really busy. For Res starting a new job closer to the house not only meant she was going to have m ore time to do some of the house stuff before Puli got home, but also was a way of stopping that long drive and her not being exhausted after it. Well, the time part is true, however it has been keeping her so busy that it seems that she just has not time for anything.
For Puli, on the other hand, work is been crazier than before, commuting to both Dallas and Fort Worth has been his life over then last two months and it does take a toll on him, by the end of the week he just wants to stop driving.
Training of course takes the biggest hit, needless to say, the house, the cars, the dog do too. It is hard to catch up with everything that goes around your life when you have to work 8-9 hour days put in 2+ hrs of training a day for 4 days (thank goodness for rest day Mondays) but also doing all the things that grown up people need to do, like getting the cars to get the oil changed or even washed becomes a challenge, we said the dog because sometimes we feel like we are neglecting her of our love, when she sees us at the house we are either on the bike or getting ready for a run (she is off running for a little while) or simply laying around because we have no energy to move. To that add up for instance traveling for the two of us at the same time, it rarely happens and of course had to happen during IM training, so the logistics of getting workouts in, figuring out what each other needed for the trips, packing, organizing dog sitting, it all added up to the already hectic life of the Ironman/Ironwoman to be.
Training, waking up 2-3 days at 4 is sometimes hard, actually the 3 day is near impossible to do, body, legs, and will don't cooperate to get on the trainer or get out of the house to got to the pool, so it is hard, we know we have to do it because it is the only way we will get our workouts in, otherwise there is not enough time during the afternoon after work to get them in unless we get home from work at 4 and hit it off.... And that ain't happening. So days like today where our week wasn't technically as hard we had to squeeze one more swim of the 3 we missed, so in theory we only missed 2 swims all week and no other workout, which is good in our book, not so much on the coach's book so Puli got to hear some of it yesterday after our morning run.
We know it isn't going to get any easier, we've signed up for 3 of our early season races, Cowtown Half, St. Pattys Sprint Tri and IM TX 70.3. Those of course added to the mother of all and the reason we are sacrificing all we are IMTX. So for now we will continue doing our best at this balancing act and hope for the best, find inspiration where we can, inspire and push each other, and tri to do what we can without killing ourselves :))
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