This is how the weather looked at 5:30 that
morning.... not too appealing for a bike r
ide or a run |
March 10th was the official start of our 2013 season, the journey we started a year ago and who would've imagine we would be so hooked from the beginning. It has been a year of ups and downs, happy times, sad times, crashes, run overs (see blog Pain over Body), but more than anything it has been a year where we have grown both as individuals and as a couple.
As individuals we have been able to push our bodies to limits we never imagined possible and we feel a lot healthier. As a couple we have grown stronger, and more the anything we have been able to share this journey together, neither one of us can imagine doing this without the other.
had to set it up to make sure we got it all |
Anyways, we started our season. Last year we attempted to register for this same Tri as it is next to the house but by the time we decided it was sold out. We were happy we didn't do it as Puli had IT issues and on race day it was raining and to the point they cut the bike to half the distance, so being the first one wouldn't have been a good idea. Today wasn't any different, the weather was kind of crappy, and big storms rolled in late at night, all the forecasts pointed that no storms were going to be present in the morning, but.... by the time we woke up at 5 am some left over storm had just rolled in. Rain was coming hard and we were getting ready. Puli was worried because he had wiped out on a wet road ride a few months ago. So the idea of riding on wet roads wasn't too appealing. We pushed and got on the road. Got to the natatorium and coach M was there already. It had somewhat stopped raining, but the road was wet. Here we were hopping that from 5:30 to 8:00 the roads would dry up enough to make it safe.
Smiling on the way back |

Got our transitions set and went in to the pool. It was in the 40s outside and wasn't a good idea to just waste calories there trying to stay warm. At the pool we lined up, said our typical pre-race goodbyes and off we went. The swim for both of us went well, Puli did feel ok, he is good on those short distances, while Res felt a bit slow but looking at her results it was an improvement, which she took.
Off on the bike it was a bit technical, wet roads, 17 mph head winds and just overall cold... Too cold. But we managed to get it done and 12 miles went by fairly quick, saw a few accidents, which made us just be more self conscious of the road and to be careful.
The run was definitely the best for the two of us, we got to PR our 5k both Tri and individual times by a lot! That made us really happy.
In summary the race was a good one, definitely want to do it again, just wished it was a bit warmer, but its a good kick off of the season and can't beat that is 5 min away from home :).
not a bad day |
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