Saturday, October 6, 2012

I guess it just hurts....

Last week was a so called "recovery" week, we took it really easy. Our schedules were pretty hectic traveling for work all week and limited time for training. I (Puli) was able to get a few workouts in, a swim and run in Oregon, didn't get the bike in because the bike at the hotel gym just sucked. Res was able to get hers in the same way, her bike suffered too because of me arriving on Wednesday so she came to pick me up at the airport. Of course, she didn't need an excuse not to do the bike. Thursday we had an early flight to FL, so needless to say swim and run that day were not an option, Friday was work for me and Res was able to get her long run, 6 miles along the intracoastal in hot Miami. Me, on the other hand, in a conference center locked up all day. Res was able to book a 5K on Saturday, she was all ready, well she was able to PR her 5K, under 25 minutes. 

This week, we got back into it, Monday catching up after the flights and all the home duties, and Tuesday we hit the pool and the trails. It wasn't too bad, Wednesday a nice bike ride around White Rock Lake, haven't done that one in a long time so decided to stay in Dallas and got it done there. Weather was great, so it felt really good. Thursday, our "speed workout" day was due. Read Speed Workouts blog and you will see. This time Coach M had a few new treats for us. Started by going up our beloved Elaine 4 times, with the instructions to charge at it on the way up and recover on the way down, so we did, even though we thought to ourselves, these 4 can't be it, so we saved some energy for whatever he had in mind at the end. We went back to him after our 4th one, and he had planned do sets of lounges, grapevines, and single-leg squads. Well, like I said... It just hurts... overall was a 4.5 miles workout in about 45 minutes (not including the squads and other core workouts) but we knew we were going to hurt on Friday. 

Friday came, and so the pain, it was a slow start trying to get up, legs were sore, from the glutes down. Our Friday ride, didn't happen, instead we went to see the Rangers lose the wild card game to the Orioles, not a good way to end the week but it was a lot better than trying to deal with the wind from the cold front trying to roll in to town.

Saturday, the weather was as promised, nice 51-deg, 15mph winds, the water was actually 80-deg but he allowed us to use wetsuits, being the 1st time since about April in it, it was good at the beginning but then the hard breathing and was getting too warm inside of it. The fact that we were dealing with 1' and 2' waves didn't help the situation, but we managed to do about 0.6 miles at the lake. The 1:30h run, happened at home, it was a good one, nice, chilly and we bundled up enough. Did I mention.... slow? yes it was slow, we are still sore. 

Tomorrow's 3 hour ride got cancelled due to the nice cold temperatures and 40-deg temps with wind, so it is going to be a 3 hour trainer ride. Better find some Netflix movies so it can be entertaining, not looking forward to ride while watching football... not my idea of fun either.

For now, we'll just say.. it just hurts, this couch has been our friend almost all afternoon :)))


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